Green Building & Design

Rachael Grochowski on Life-Changing Design

Rachael Grochowski believes design is spiritual, intertwining nature's elements to create spaces that heal and unite, a philosophy evident in her architectural practice.

Green Building & Design

Rachael Grochowski on Life-Changing Design

Rachael Grochowski believes design is spiritual, intertwining nature's elements to create spaces that heal and unite, a philosophy evident in her architectural practice.

“Design is spiritual.” It’s spelled out on Rachael Grochowski’s sweater as we sit down for breakfast at the annual Biophilic Leadership Summit, which took place this year at Serenbe, a neighborhood itself designed to focus on well-being, just outside of Atlanta. But the sweater is not just a stylish statement; Grochowski means it. It’s part of why she’s speaking at the event.