How the best kind of neighborhood club supports your health, local agriculture, and the environment.
Like most neighborhoods, there are many resident clubs and groups within the Serenbe community. You’ll find a book club that supports Hills & Hamlets Bookshop. A supper club that supports local restaurants. There’s even a travel club that’s planning both regional and international excursions. The best club Serenbe residents (and anyone living in the area!) can join though is the Serenbe Farms CSA. CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture, which is a mutually beneficial relationship between Serenbe Farms and members.
What are the benefits, you ask? Well the biggest benefit is YOUR HEALTH! When you eat produce from a local organic farm you’ll find it’s more nutritious than the same food from the grocery store. This is because Serenbe Farms uses regenerative practices, which maintains soil health. Healthy soil = healthy food = healthy YOU.
Another benefit to members is the cost. A Serenbe Farms CSA membership is ~$30 per week with enough food to feed an entire family for the whole week. Can you imagine going to the store to get your week’s worth of groceries for that amount. Eggs alone right now are nearly a quarter of that cost!
You may be wondering what the benefit is for Serenbe Farms? For you to even have produce to eat during the harvest season, the Farm must first be able to purchase seeds and maintain their farming equipment. These tasks are necessary in the off season, and very difficult to do without an income, so CSA members join prior to the harvest and pay up front. Everybody wins!
Now’s your chance to join the Serenbe Farms CSA. This year’s “club” is limited to 65 members, so be sure to join early! You can learn more at their website.